What did Leonardo da Vincis "Last Supper" really look like? | DW Documentary

Leonardos famous painting «The Last Supper» hides a secret: only 20 percent of the original work is still visible.

In the style of a thriller, the documentary attempts to reconstruct what it originally looked like. Leonardo da Vinci was the epitome of the Renaissance Man. May 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of his death. The artist created world-famous works such as the fresco «The Last Supper» — perhaps the most famous. It is still in its original setting, on the wall of the dining room of the former Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The painting, which is 4.60 meters high and 8.80 meters wide, has been undergoing restoration for the last 19 years. But the restorers now know that only 20 percent of the original is visible today. So what did something that is the focus of so many legends originally look like? Our investigation also takes us to the small Belgian abbey of Tongerlo, where a mysterious copy of da Vincis work has been discovered. It is a painting on canvas that could have been commissioned from da Vinci’s workshop by the French King Louis XII. It has perhaps brought the researchers a step closer to the truth.

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Deadliest Journeys - Colombia-Venezuela: Trafficking On The Border

It is a 2,200 km long lawless zone in the middle of the jungle, dominated by the Andes Cordillera. A border that has always been uncontrollable between Colombia and Venezuela. A cartel paradise, except that here we dont traffic in cocaine, but in gasoline. Venezuela is the land of black gold, a quarter of the world’s oil reserves. Since the fall in the price of oil, the economy has collapsed, Venezuelans lack everything. Many have switched to gasoline trafficking. They buy fuel in Venezuela to resell it thirty times more expensive in Colombia… Every day, they cross the border on foot, 50 liter cans on their backs. High-risk trafficking, because across the border the Venezuelan military are not reluctant to shoot. This is the first time that cameras have managed to film these new kind of smugglers, and they are not welcome…

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LAnkh, lincroyable technologie cachée des Egyptiens

LAnkh pourrait avoir une signification bien plus mystérieuse que «croix de vie égyptienne»… Il pourrait sagir de la schématisation dune technologie avancée héritée dun peuple antédiluvien, léguée aux Egyptiens.

Dans les années 90, Guy Gruais et Guy Claude Mouny isolent ce symbole et en donnent une interprétation audacieuse dans «Le grand secret du signe de vie», mêlant égyptologie, technologie de pointe et réminiscences de lAtlantide.

Le Nettoyeur de Mythes #01 La révélation des pyramides

Pour ce premier épisode, Le Nettoyeur de Mythes fait face aux théories les plus étranges au sujet des pyramides. Vous vous êtes toujours demandé en quoi 30° était une valeur capitale? Cest par ici!
Le reportage doù sont tirées les images est disponible ici: youtu.be/HFpHDXUgcqw

Les 10 premières minutes chez Mr sam: youtu.be/FcVy-exJ96E

Chez Lori Gami (visual support, et jai jamais vu quelquun qui avait autant envie de baffer la narratrice donc elle mérite cette citation):

Au sujet du terme esclavage: youtu.be/kMajsSU7vx4?t=1308 je ne ferais que copier ce lien sous les prochaines remarques.

Un peu de lecture: André POCHAN, «Lénigme de la grande pyramide», Robert Laffont, 1971

Étude sur la fabrication des vases de Denys A. Stocks: www.sci-lib.net/index.php?act=attach

The Movie Great Pyramid K 2019 - Director Fehmi Krasniqi

The construction of the Great Pyramid and the True History of Humanity revealed.
To support the film and its production please follow the Paypal link below.
Paypal www.paypal.me/gpk2019
Correction: My speech was recorded, in May 2020. At that time, I didnt preview to monetise the film. But with the national economic crisis, monetization has become essential for me, so the movie is now monetised.
I devoted approximately 1.296.000 minutes to this film. If you feel that the movie meets your expectations, you are invited to participate by donating in the link Paypal above.
Aiming to support the voluntary work of my team.
#greatpyramidk2019 #k2019
— Today we are in 2020.
Why then K 2019?
Because the year 2019, marked the beginning of the new History of mankind with the World Première of this documentary film.
— The movie has actually official subtitles in: English, Turkish, Danish(Not yet official) and French.
French version of Great Pyramid K 2019
English subtitle file to use for traduction in other languages.

— Thank you for sharing
Website Official
Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/c/FehmiKrasniqi-GP-K2019
Fehmi Krasniqi


La pyramide de Khéops est la seule des sept merveilles du monde à être encore visible dans son état dorigine. 146 mètres de haut, 230 de large et près de 2,5 millions de blocs, parmi lesquels des dalles de granit de 63 tonnes, Khéops bat tous les records. Elle a donné lieu à un chantier colossal qui a duré au moins 25 ans. Comment les bâtisseurs sont-ils parvenus à réaliser cette prouesse technique? Aujourdhui, des égyptologues et archéologues ont un nouvel outil à leur disposition: larchéologie 2.0, qui utilise des images aériennes et satellites pour décrypter les anomalies du sol, les parties invisibles et tentent délucider les mystères de ce chantier titanesque. La pyramide de Khéops est la seule des sept merveilles du monde à être encore visible dans son état dorigine.

#Pyramide #Egypte #Kheops #Documentaire

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